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Wow, I can't believe how fast this first year has gone by! My little baby is becoming a little boy. I am so sad to see him grow, yet happy at the same time. He is gaining confidence everyday and his personality is starting to shine thru more and more. It is hard to remember how small he was last Christmas at only 12 days old, this year he will be all over everything and taking everything in and be so busy exploring I am wondering if I will have any time with him to sit and cuddle. I sure hope so. Am I selfish becuase I hate to share him with others? When we walk into a room I like for him to be clingy for a little while....but usually the exact oppisite is true. He will take off in any direction of something that catches his little eyes. Then after a few seconds of looking into whatever it was that grabbed his attention initially, he sees something more interesting and is ready to go check it out. Wow, he is so busy!
Luke had a great birthday yesterday and it was so fun to see him eat cake and opn his presents! He was soooo excited this morning to get back to the livingroom and play with all of his new toys! We are having a huge family party for him this weekend! I am so excited to see his reactions. He will have sooo much fun! Wow, I thought birthdays were cool before I had children, now it is so much more exciting! The look on his face yesterday morning when DH and I went into his room singing Happy Birthday was priceless! Can't wait to see what he does this Christmas!!