Luke was the first to get sick, fever, chills, body aches, runny nose, lack of energy and poor little boy! He was doing better on Monday, but seemed worse again on Tuesday, so I took him to the doc this morning as he still had a slight fever. Come to find out, he has an ear infection and fluid in his other ear. Hopefully, once he gets some doses of his antibiotic in him, he will be more himself!!
Mick and I were both in a wedding on Saturday night, so we had Mick's parent come to the house to watch the sick one and his little sister. Mick performed the ceremony and I was a bridesmaid. Beautiful wedding, but we left by 7pm to come home and help our sick little guy....Mick and I both started feeling sick about 8pm Saturday night. Body aches, runny nose, exhaustion...the list goes on and on..
Sunday 3 of us are sick, little Em is still good as can be tho! Mick is starting to feel a little bit better by Sunday night, but not 100% by far.
Monday Mick stayed home from work, I was sicker than Sunday and Luke seemed better. Mick was still coughing a ton and I was just wiped out. Luke seemed much better and his temp was back down to 99.5..that is good considering the 2 previous days it was 103.3!!
Tuesday I get up and feel okay, Mick goes to work and Luke seems pretty good too, Emily was fine as well. 10:30 AM and I get sick! Oh so sick, I cant walk, I cant eat, I need help..Mick comes home from work and I sleep the rest of the day away. By last night I was feeling alot better...not sure what happened to me, I am usually the healthiest one in my family! Guess Emily wins that prize now! LOL
Wednesday (today) Luke's fever is back this morning so I take him to the doc and learn about his ear infection and fluid on the other....get antibiotics, grab lunch and now Luke and Em are asleep. I am feeling much better, but still have this cough in my chest, it hurts, but I think it is better than yesterday and as long as I do not talk too much, it doesn't seem to bother me that much! Bet Mick is happy about that! And that is why I am blogging right now, rather than talking on the phone ;0)
Hopefully we are on the mend, Mick is doing good today, I feel good, and Luke has his meds now....Emily seems fine still!

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }