Monday was good, I babysat, made some money and it was a beautiful day out!
Tuesday, started out good, I babysat again, made more $$ and was going along fine, until about noon. I started sneezing, and coughing and feeling sick, my nose was dripping none stop too (gross, I know!). By 3 pm I called Mick to reschedule something he had that night, so he could get home and help me out. I crashed in recliner at 6 and woke at 7 to move to our room and watched Biggest Loser, then crashed again until the next morning.
Wednesday, I had to cancel a play date I was having at our house, as we did not want to spread the lovely bug around town that I had. By noon on Wednesday I was feeling better and the day was going better! We had a pajama day at the house, until it was time to get Luke ready for AWANA. After we dropped Luke at AWANA, we stopped at Verizon to cancel my cell phone and drop the other one to the minimum amount of minutes for emergencies only. Earlier in the day Mick closed a credit card account for us, (we are attending Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and trying to get out of debt and stay out of debt) so that was exciting for us to take the first step and close the account! I dropped Mick and Emily off at home and went back to get Luke from AWANA and help out with MOPS set up for a bit. On the way home tho, Luke and I were hit by a drunk driver! The jerk sped off after he hit us too! It was 8:40 at night, so it was too dark to see him or his plates. We have a $500 deductible, so we are out that unless we find the guy! The good news, Luke and I are just fine, and the van is drivable! PTL!!! So, we will live with the damage for a but, until we get our $500 saved up and then fix it.
Thursday was good, considering all that had happened, we went to Financial Peace University that night, it was fun and educational as always.
Friday I had MOPS in the morning, but was called out about a 1/2 hour into our meeting...Emily has a fever of 100.9...oh boy...what a way to start a weekend! Lucky me.

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }
1 comment:
Feel blessed sweetie! God won't put you through those things if He didn't think that you could handle them.
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