Emily in her boots this morning...love this!!!!
Luke and Emily playing "sleigh rides" with an end table turned upside down...
Since we are back from "the sick", life is going better! After my last post, I ended up in the hospital for a few hours with breathing problems, and severe nausea. After I was all better, Emily came down with it and Mick got it again! It was a complete mess in my house for 2 weeks! It was the longest 2 weeks of my life!
The kids had a blast on Halloween, I will post those pics next. Emily was Minnie Mouse and Luke was Spiderman. They got tons of candy and were on sugar hi's for like 10 days! Life is back to normal here, I was back to Jazzercise this week, went to Beth Moore with my gal pals last weekend, had my mom's b-day party on Wednesday and then our nephew's party tonight. Mick and I teach Sunday school tomorrow, so that will be fun! Nothing too exciting, although we are in the midst of planning a super cool birthday party for a pretty neat 4 year old that lives here! ;0)

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }
Hello?? Jessica?? R u still there??? :O)
good and beatiful
Students: Read the whole article, then tell us :For you personally, what are a few of the positives and fortnite items buy negatives of playing Fortnite? Have you met acquaintances or friends online? Have you learned any skills, like teamwork, communication and spatial awareness? Do your playing habits prevent you from having other adventures or caring for your responsibilities? Why or why not? Are you or some of your buddies Fortnite addicts? Is Fortnite a distraction at your college? Do pupils play it in class or during free time? If this is so, how can the government deal with it, and do you think their response is appropriate?
It seems like just yesterday I had been reporting on the first few schools that were beginning to give out eSports scholarships, and everyone was laughing at them. Well, some folks still might be laughing, but the clinic is considerably more prevalent now, fortnite weapons and moving into bigger and larger programs. And today Fortnite has been caught up in the trend, because of course it has.
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