LOL! That's right! I was paid to take all of this off of the CVS shelf's today! My total savings for this shopping trip was $126.93 after coupons and CVS sales! And my year to date savings is $1119.62 since I began CVSing in June!!! My original total was $61 and some change and after my coupons it was down to 6.82 which I put on a free CVS Gift card I received for transferring a prescription to them (and with as much as I am there why not get my refills there??!!). I received $17.79 back in ECB's, my largest ever!! So since I had a free gift card and spent nothing out of my own checkbook I was essentially paid $17.7p for all of this! Oh and if you can not see the picture real well here is a run down of all I got: 1 Gillette Fusion Razor, 2 Sunsilk hair products, 2 Benadryl to-go packages, 2 Covergirl make-ups, 4 bottles of Dawn dish soap, 1 Contour meter, 2 Hershey's bars and a package of m&m's. I still have 4 more coupons for the Dawn dish soap, so I plan on running back there later this week to stock on more free dish soap! I *LOVE* CVS!!!!!