In other exciting family news Mick and I are planning on taking a trip for our 5 year wedding anniversary coming up in May. We have not decided where we want to go yet, but we both know we want to be gone for about 5 days and really just relax and focus on eachother. The kiddos will be staying with grandparents of course and having a blast! I will be done nursing Emily by then too!
Speaking of the kiddos-they are growing up so fast! We still can not believe that Emily is 6 months old now and is just days away from crawling! Last night she did 1 full rotation (moved both arms and legs forward) before she fell flat. So I guess you could say she took her first crawl! ;) Luke is wonderful and loves hugging and kissing on Em. He is very excited as I took him shopping for his first belt the other day and he loves running around showing everyone his "belt like daddy!". Oh and did you know that I am a princess? No-you didn't? Well Luke says so! He told me the other day "Mommy- you my Princess" and I said "Aww-thanks Sweetie and you are my Prince" his response was "No mommy I a Knight!" You can bet that made Mick smile!! It was sweet. I can not wait to get some pictures so I can do a scrap book page about that conversation!
Speaking of scrapping I have completed 4 pages in Em's scrapbook so far! Now for you non-scrappers that seems like nothing, but as CS and KG can attest that is HUGE! I am still very far behind, but life is slowly starting to show some routine and allowing me to have some "me" time in the basement working on the scrapbooks.
As soon as we get the computer situation worked out I will add some pics of the kiddos. Sorry!

1 comment:
Hi! Heard Mick organized a cool event yesterday...hope that becomes a yearly thing that grows!
Congrats on the scrapping!! Wish I could say that I've gotten four pages done lately!! :O)
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