I can not believe that Luke is 3 years old!! He is pretty excited about his "Lightning McQueen" birthday party today at the rec center and he keeps asking for swords and GeoTrax. My little baby is wainting to play with trains and swords! It is bittersweet, I love seeing him grow and change and become an independent little boy, but I also miss the early morning snuggles I used to get from him. He has changed so much in the last 3 years (obviously!) but, I can not believe that the time is passing so quickly. A friend a church said to me once, "the days take forever, but years fly bye". It is so true, and it makes me realize that I need to treasure all the little moments, as they will be gone before I know it. Mick and I are beginning to talk about pre-schools and looking into the future, and trying to decide where to send him for school and I am still in shock that we are having these conversations about my little Luke. He is becoming such a young man also, today he told me he needed "priacy" in the bathroom to do his business. LOL. And the way he snuggles up to his little sister and tells her he loves her is priceless. Some of the things he says just blow my mind, I am constantly having to check myself before I say something that could potentially hurt his feelings, like the other day I told someone that he was being a stinker, and he looked up to my and said "mommy, I no being a stinker!". I had to apologize to him and explain that indeed he was, as he was not listening to mommy, but at the same time I should not have said that about him to someone when he was in the same room.
Luke has recently started "reading" books as well. He will sit with us and read to Emer's all of his stories. Of course, he is just paraphrasing what the book says, but it is so cute. Unfortunately, every time I try and get some video of it, the 2 of them get distracted and stop acting so cute. Oh well, maybe in the future. Enjoy and give your babies a snuggle today, as they grow up too fast!
I am still trying to find a way to upload his picsture from his 2nd birthday party...having some trouble, but I am sure that when my hubby gets done working in the basement he will be right on that for me! ;)

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