Luke stayed at my moms last night, so I had some free time once little Emily was in bed to catch up on my coupons that I have
ignored for the last 2 weeks. I clipped and sorted and organized for about an hour and a half and matched up deals & sales with coupons and planned my trips for this morning. Emily was a good sport, even with a slight fever and runny nose (stupid allergies!). Kroger was the first stop, I was happy with what I got, but not all
that proud of my deals, so I did not bother to call Mick and tell him about that stop. Off to
Schnucks Emily and I went to get cereal, popcorn and plastic cups. I did call Mick after that stop to tell him that I got 20 bucks worth of cereal for 1.50/box! And to tell him a few of the other deals I had found there. Next stop...
Here is a picture of what I got
at CVS today.....I will give you a minute to take it in and come up with a price of what you think I payed...........keep thinking..........
Yes- there are 3 gallons of milk, 4 shave
gels, 2
band aid boxes, batteries,
Cortaid, and a
Benadryl to go spray...not pictured is the Dove candy bar that I bought for myself....ate it in the van on the way total was $37.00 something before my coupons and
ECB's.....after everything I gave the woman one quarter, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies!!!!!!!!! Yes, that is right!!!! .33 cents!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously I called Mick to share and he was elated and could not
believe that I got all that and even double checked my on my milk count!
LOL I made another 8 in
ECB's for next time too!!
Happy 4
th of July everyone! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with you family celebrating our freedom that so many men and women all over the world are fighting to protect for us.

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }