I was a bit nervous for today, as I was watching my nephew Jacob today. He is 6 months old and it is so funny how fast you forget the little things about that age. He is wobbly, tends to spill forward after sitting for a few minutes, so I had to remember to put soft toys all around him. He liked spinning himself in circles on the carpet..and getting up and rocking on all 4's..hate to tell you this Heather, but you will have a little mover on your hands pretty soon!! I also forgot how silly they are when they are learning to eat cereals and veggies and other yummy stuff! He barely opened his little mouth for the cereal and pretty much decided that the arm of Emily's hi-chair tasted better than his carrots his mommy sent! ;0) Luke was a great helped for the 1st 10 minutes, then lost interest....Emily, on the other hand, thought Aunt Heather had asked her to babysit, and I was just there to assist! Too funny how she mothered him all day long! I did have to remind her to not drink his bottle tho, and that we do not wake a sleeping baby! She kept walking to my bedroom during his afternoon nap, saying "Ake, Ake"...finally we checked on him and he was still snoozing, but I think Emily fixed that when she yelled at her brother about 10 minutes later! No one could sleep thru that!
Luke feeding Jake, right after I snapped this shot, Luke said "I'm done with him now mommy."Emily and Jake playing with toys
Jake, Em and Luke chilling after nap time....

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }
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