The first was on Monday morning, after Janelle and Matt's wedding. Apparently a child got ahold of the pen that was placed for people to sign a framed photo of Matt and Janelle. The picture was a beautiful, huge, black and white picture of Matt and Janelle holding hands while walking down a trail. Once the child(ren) got ahold of the pen tho, it made this beautiful picture look horrific! I was literally sick to my stomach when looking at it after the child(ren) drew all over Matt and Janelle's arms, faces, necks and legs with black ink. Janelle's mother was planning on calling the photographer to see about having them cut the picture from the border it was on and replacing it with a new picture (can you say big bucks???).
I asked them to bring the picture over and let us see what we could do with Sol-U-Mel and a few q-tips. Sure enough, the minute I applied the Sol-U-Mel covered q-tip to the picture, the ink started to fade!!! It was as if the Sol-U-Mel was sucking the ink from the photo! We were able to remove all of the ink marks! In fact, after we were done, I asked if there were any signatures they wanted removed, from people they were not too fond of! LOL (Of course they said NO!) I was at Janelle's house this afternoon and saw the picture and it looks absolutely wonderful, you can not even tell that it was covered in scribble marks at one point!
**disclaimer- I know for a 100% fact that it was not my child that scribbled on the picture*** ;0)
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Another wonderful Sol-U-Mel save.....yesterday afternoon I was sorting Luke's baby clothes for a friend to borrow and realized that all of my favorites were covered in yellow stains from when he was little pukie-Lukie! I soaked them overnight in a Sol-U-Mel mixture and sure enough today, they look brand new!
Finally- tonight for dessert I made chocolate pudding, as Luke was eating his in the living room on the beige area rug, the bowl spilled and the pudding ended up all over the rug. The dog, of course, licked up what he could (good 'ol Sarge!). And then I was left with a huge brown stain! After a few squirts of Sol-U-Mel and a few rubs with a paper towel and wash cloth, the carpet looks great and you can not tell anything was spilled there!
One more- sorry!! Yesterday after cleaning the baby clothes with the Sol-U-Mel, I left the squirt bottle sitting out on the table and my little monkey girl, Emily, climbed up and sprayed herself in the eyes with it. Of course, I was nervous and washed her eyes out, she seemed fine, but I wanted to be sure, so I called poison control, told them what happened and they informed me that she would be fine since there are no harsh chemicals in the cleaner! It is such a relief to not have to worry about her getting into something that is harmful to her! With my Melaleuca products, I know that my children, pets, carpet(!) and clothes(!) are safe!

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }
Wow! You saved the day. I really really really hope that it wasn't one of my children that got a hold of it. I'm about 99.99% sure it wasn't us. Maybe I'll have to try that stuff =)
Your experiences with Solumel sound great but I am having no luck with this product )-: My daughter drew all over the walls with permanent marker and I sprayed Solumel in its concentrated form onto the marks but they're not coming off. Can anyone help please?
Thanks so much for any help in advance!
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