Sorry to brag on my new stuff, but I am head over heels in love with my new bedroom furniture. We bought it from a friend who wanted something new for a new era in her life. Mick and I love it and it makes our bedroom feel so much more like a retreat, rather than a disaster! Before this, we had 2 mis-matched dressers (mine was from grade school!) and no headboard or foot board. We are looking for a nice pair of nightstands to replace the TV trays, but hey, they work for now!
I am looking for a nice little basket or holder thingy (nice term, huh?) to keep all of Mick's miscellaneous stuff he has on the dresser, it will look nicer soon!
I love our new bed set!! It is mission style and feels like a real adult bed, rather than just 2 mattresses on a metal frame!

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }
Awwww - welcome to the land of the grownups! I know that was exactly how Gabe & I felt when we bought our set.
You'll know when you hit old age when you switch out the mattress for a sleep number! :o)
LOVE it!! Good for you guys!!
Sweet dreams~
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