Luke started AWANA at Bethany Baptist on Wednesday night. They meet weekly on Wednesdays for about 2 hours. It is like a combination of Boy Scouts and Bible School. Luke absolutely LOVES it, and has his bible verse memorized already for next weeks class. They earn patches for their vest for memorization and attendance and a few other things. He was pretty excited when we picked him up as he was the teachers helper with the flag while the class said The Pledge on Wednesday night! It was odd dropping him off somewhere, away from family, and actually leaving the building for awhile! But he did excellent and loved every minute of it and can not wait to go back! And seriously, how cute does he look in his little uniform with his bag and all??!! Oh and check out my mad sewing skills: I had to sew on the troop # today during nap time "2312" and it only took me an hour and a 1/2 and that is with my sewing machine! Oh and he popped a button off his vest the other night, so I had to fix that too. Oh and the kicker about that troop number? I talked to a friend today and was mentioning how I sewed on his troop number, and she says: "Oh, we just iron ours on, don't they have the little sticky on the back??" Um, yea they did, but I did not know what that was! Oh well, live and learn! We are signed up to bring snacks next week to his class, talk about feeling like a "real" mom now!
So here is a picture of my little man in his uniform (the pirate patch is not part of the uniform ;0)
So here is a picture of my little man in his uniform (the pirate patch is not part of the uniform ;0)
And- of course, this is Emily, being Emily!

{ Jessica Dobra, Independent Marketing Executive }
I probably would have sewed the numbers on too. :)
I love the line about bringing snacks and being a real mom!
I sewed the first time, too. Wish they would mention how to do it somewhere. Even when I did learn you could iron them on, I never did get them to stick very good. Maybe I was supposed to wet them or something. Brennen will have a shirt this year instead of a vest. Kindrid will get her Sparks vest Wednesday. :O)
Love the patch - Gabe wears his around the house too. :o)
Too cute Jess! You did a great job on the vest. Can't wait to show Mike when he gets home!
Don't feel bad about sewing on the numbers - as someone who works at Awana Headquarters we've learned that even the iron-on patches stay on better with a couple stitches in them - so your time wasn't wasted!
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