I was washing Luke's pacifier yesterday (yes, I know he is 2 and should be done with it- I'm trying here) and decided to take the scissors to it-Jenny P told me to cut a little hole in it and that will stop the suction he is used to...well I took the scissors to it like Edwar Scissorhands! The thing was slit from left to right! Needless to say that yesterday at nap time Luke told me he didnt like his paci- it tasted acky! (That was my goal) He finally fell asleep after an hour of talking to himself. I never realised how much that paci helped calm him down. Fast forward to last night (after an hour of upset little Luke and him asking me to get him a new one at the store) and I was on my way to the grocery store to buy a new one. But guess what??!! They no longer make the kind that he had (at least at Cubs or Walgreens!) so I bought a new kind and I get home and he was asleep. This morning he comes into my room and says "no like new paci- I bite it." "It tastes acky too" So- looks like he doesnt like the new type I bought him ..I just checked on him-he should be asleep for his nap now, but he is wide awake in his bed with his new paci in his mouth...I think I created a new problem! Any advice?
At least we had fun at the park yesterday and today. Luke is quite the little dare devil though, I think he is enjoying watching me have a heart attack everytime he tries something new! Today we came home from the park with a bright red cheek, he told me he hit it on the slide....I bet it swells and turns black and blue! At least Emily still just sleeps the day away in her sling-I do not think I could handle 2 dare devils right now!

Maybe you can super-glue it back together? Or find one on Craig's List? :)
Aaron likes to give me heart attacks too. He always wants to go to highets place on the playground.
Huh - I'm a meanie -
I say cut the new one so it tastes, "acky" too and be done with it. :O) He sounds like he's ready. If he talks himself to sleep, that's good. He's learning to settle himself that way. Just my opinion. :O)
I've been there, seen that with Luke's dare-devilisms. :O) He's going to be one of those bungee-jumping, rock climbing, sky-diving nuts someday! :O)
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