Went to CVS yesterday afternoon and again spent very little and got a ton! This time I walked in with $5.00 on ECB and left with $10!! Gotta love that!
I am also signed up to teach the 2 year old Sunday school class starting next week so I observed in there yesterday morning. Pam you rock! You have those kids learning so many things and enjoying it so much! I kinda feel bad for whatever kids end up with me next week as I do not hold a candle to Miss Pam! Oh and Pam (if you read this) Luke prayed for you again last night and then informed me that you made him and not God when we asked him "who made Luke?"....had to laugh at that one!

Check, check, check, check
It works! Boy, that Mick is pretty dang smart!!
The lightening bugs sound like a lot of fun! I'm sure Luke will have a great time :) Take lots of pictures!
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