We went to my moms house last week to celebrate her birthday (As you can see Luke and Jamie are busy putting candles on the cake). It was fun, but a bit strange since my brother was not there. He moved to Texas 2 weeks ago and this was the 1st family get together since he left. But, his girlfriend, Kristin, brought her laptop and her web cam so we were able to talk to Mike and see him thru that. He is living out of a hotel right now, and can I just say that I feel very bad for that maid! LOL...Luke was a bit confused by the whole process and really did not like it much, but I am sure he will get used to it since that is how we will be communicating with Mike from now on.
The kids and I went with my mom and sister last night to see the Rockettes! They were incrediable! I can not belive how perfect each of their moves were and how in sync they were! It was seriously something that was breathtaking. (Well-not so much for Emily, as she fell asleep) but Luke liked it and today he was talking about seeing baby Jesus on stage. Who knew a 2 year old would remember the part about baby Jesus more than the big Santa Clause number? From an adults stand point the nativity scene was pretty amazing, but so was the Santa Clause scene!
Emily is starting to walk now behind her push toys and she started eating Cheerios last week too! She is also wacing now and clapping her hands too! She is completly head over heels for her big brother too! Luke has started picking her up (which I have put a fast stop too!) and trying to carry her around...especially if she gets too close to his Geo Trax.
That is about all the updates for this week that I can think of...but if something else comes up I will let you know! LOL...Oh our close friends The Penrod's are coming into town the 1st weekend of December, so I am pretty pumped about that too!
So, did your bro sell the house??
UM, My butt looks HUGE in that last picture... to everyone: My butt is not that big. THANK YOU.
Jamie Rae - :-)
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