...Yeah right! We did however decide to go to the RiverPlex for a fun time during Pre-School splash this morning, that was a good time! Luke ran around like a crazy man and went down the slide a ton of times. Emily, on the other hand, was not that into it. She was content in my arms and as you can tell from the pics, she was a bit out of sorts and not really down with swimming in cool water. Oh well, maybe next time.
The picture of Luke and Kenzi was taken on New Years Eve at our friend's house JereLyn. She and new hubby, Chris, had a great party that night! They are super hostesses (sp?) and had a huge array of food and drinks available. The kids crashed about 9:15, so the adults went downstairs and played "Would you Rather". Super fun game, I got for Christmas from my super cool BIL! Thanks Mat! The game ended up lasting about 3 hours, thanks in part to the hilarious conversation that was happening between turns (thank you Jere for all the info about the feet!) ;0) We headed home about 1 am and the kids slept in the car and crashed in their beds once we were home. Mick and I crashed as well.
New Years Day, I woke up with a cold and felt horriable, so Mick and the kids went to his parents house for the entire day, so I could stay home and sleep (thank you sweetie!), I honestly think that was the first time I have been home alone since Emily was born! I ended ep sleeping for like 5 hours! But I feel much better today, so it was totally worth it! Emily turned 10 months old yesterday, so that was the other exciting bit of news on our homefront. Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2009 is as great, if not better, than 2008!

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