This morning Mick met me at the doctor's office and we had our first doctor appt. Mark your calanders for October 21st. That is when they are guessing that our new baby will be here! We heard the heartbeat and got to see it on the little screen! It made it much more real feeling. We are 7wks 5 days along in our pregnancy! Still some shock, but also a ton of excitement! The couple that was in the sono room before us passed us in the hall, and the hubby looked at us and said "be careful, they are handing out twins today!" Talk about a real shocker! I am thinking that based upon her belly size that they were there to find out the sex of the baby, not that there were 2! Can you imagine?
We told Luke that the new baby will be here around Halloween time, and he told me that it is Halloween time now, so the baby can come out. I told him we still have a few months, but the baby will be here soon enough. He wants us to have a baby boy this time....what are your thoughts? I am thinking girl, but I could be totally wrong. Mick is thinking boy...I wonder what it will be??!!

Glad all is well with your pregnancy, Jess!
I think it's going to be a very fortunate baby to grow in such a loving Christian family.
Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you! I think girl, but that's only because everyone that I know who had surprises for #3 ended up with girls.
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