Over the weekend I learned my sons true ambition in life right now is to grow up and work at.......McDonald's. I am such a proud mom right now. He told me he wants to work there so he can eat all the chickie-fries he wants and play with toys.....LOL....If only he knew...Anyway, I thought it was pretty cute and I had to share.
Props to my SIL Marci for taking on the coaching of her sons baseball team- seriously, I am not sure how she finds the time for all she does! Go Marci! Go Alex!

Thanks for the shout-out, Jess, and can't wait to see your Mother's Day creations!!
How exciting - can't wait to see it!
On to another subject - did you know KMart was doubling P&G coupons this week? Up to 75 coupons at a time from $2 on down. Just thought I would pass it on although I am sure you already new - it was in the Sunday coupon flyer.
I just got caught up - haven't read since the Cardinals shirt post. Don't have time to comment on all of them, but wanted you to know I read faithfully! Keep posting...it helps make the distance seem shorter!! Love you!!
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